Account & Settings
How do I relocate my base to another server?
* To relocate your Base to a different server, you must meet all of the following conditions:1. Base registration time should be at most fiv...
How do I change the commander's name in the game?
There are two ways to change the player's name:1. After purchasing the “Commander Name Change” item from the store, it will be directly add...
Changing Avatar
To change your avatar, please follow these steps: - Click on the commander avatar on the top left of the screen. - Click on the round arrow...
Linking Account
Please bind your account to keep it safe in case you have deleted the game or lost your device. Also, you can play with your Base from diffe...
Selling or buying accounts/bases
Sharing, selling, or buying accounts goes against our Terms of Service and the terms set by Apple and Google. If an account is shared, the c...
Change/unlink accounts
The feature to change or remove the bound accounts from the Base is not available, and the system will not allow it as long as there is no t...
Cheating & Hacking
We strictly prohibit cheating and hacking in the game! Players employing cheating methods or engaging in illegal actions will face a ban.To ...
I Have no sounds, what to do?
Check the following: - Make sure the sounds are active in the game's settings.- Close the game and reopen it again.- Make sure Media So...
Terms and Policies for deleting the game account and personal data
Babil Games complies with international privacy policy laws; the delete personal data feature is available to protect the privacy and safety...
How do I switch to my old account?
If your base is linked using one of the binding methods in the game, you can follow these steps:- Open the account bound to the base you wan...
Actions endanger your device, account, and privacy and will permanently block your account without warning!
To maintain a safe and clean environment within our game, we suggest that you not resort to or use forbidden methods of play and follow the ...