Game Events
What is the "Apex commander- Global" event?
The Apex commander event is a limited-time event to determine the strongest commander. The event is divided into seven stages, each stage wi...
How are points calculated when controlling the nuclear silo and world domination buildings in the server duel event?
Points are automatically calculated by the system based on specific criteria.There is a maximum limit on the points that can be earned from ...
Consecutive sign in rewards
Log in daily to the game consistently to receive amazing free rewards and prizes. - Consecutive daily sign-ins are calculated every sev...
Rebel Siege event
Throughout the event, rebel forces will launch consecutive attacks on your Base. Your objective is to successfully repel these rebel army wa...
Nuclear Silo War
The Nuclear Silo is located in the middle of the world map (X=600; Y=600).Any Alliance that occupies the silos for 8 hours becomes the rulin...
Nuclear Silo War guidelines
When the Nuclear Silo war begins, every Commander can send the units to control it and the surrounding defensive turrets. - When sendin...
Super Alliance Event instructions
-Donate for alliance technology during the event to obtain research experience to gain valuable rewards!-You must claim the rewards before t...
Why did my points not increase in the Super Alliance Event, even though I made donations to Alliance technology?
The required points in the Super Alliance Event are the research experience points earned from alliance technology donations and not “A...
How can you choose the prizes in Lucky Wheel?
Lucky Wheel prizes are chosen randomly by the system, meaning it automatically selects a random prize from the prize pool that appears on th...
Where can I find Rebel Camps, and what benefits do they offer?
-The rebel army camps can be found across the world map every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, and you need to search for them manually. -You ...
Hot Store Event
The Hot Store offers a variety of items that you can purchase using gold. What makes this store apart is that prices for the same items cons...
Server championship Tips
The server championship is divided into five stages, all occurring between different servers. In each stage, two different servers compete, ...
How to earn points in the server championship event?
Here are some info about the "Servers Championship" event- You earn points in the event by destroying commanders' units from the opposing se...
Alliance Championship Event
The Alliance Championship battlefield event is divided into 4 stages: registration, qualifiers, Top 128 Finals, and closing stage.- In the r...
Alliance Championship battlefield gameplay
1. The Alliance Championship battlefield battles last for 60 minutes. 2. In the first 10 minutes after the battlefield starts, all comm...
Server Duel Event
1. The system matches two servers in the "Server Duel" event, and the winning server receives many rewards.2. The event is divided int...
Fortress Blitz Tips
Tips:- After the event starts, Commanders won't be able to either join or leave alliances.- After the event starts, 3 Sandstone Fortresses w...
Antiquities Puzzle Event
During the event, you have the chance to get puzzle pieces through the following methods to get a valued reward:(For your information, follo...
Why don't I get puzzle pieces every time I complete the designated tasks in the Relic Puzzle event?
During the Antiquities Puzzle Event, you have the chance to get puzzle pieces through the methods listed on the "Collection Rules" screen.Ho...