General information:

Kindly note that the indicated numbers, percentages and information in this document are subject to change after the update is fully released, but this will have no effect on the player's power.

The Hawk Center:
The building will be Unlocked once the Command Center reaches Apocalypse level 1.

You can produce Fury Carriers and train Fury Troops through the building.
Upgrading the building increases the max limit of the Fury Carrier level that can be produced.

What is the Fury Carrier, and how can it be produced and upgraded?
The Fury Carrier is an aerial military Carrier that carries Land or Air units called "Fury Troops".

This Carrier enhances the capabilities of the units it carries, giving them formidable military power and distinctive attributes.

You can produce Fury Carriers in two ways:

Normal production:

Requires level 13 Troops (Land/Air), Gold, and there will be a duration of production that cannot be ignored.

Instant production:

Requires level 13 Troops (Land/Air), Gold, and there will be a duration of production that can be completed instantly by using Gold. This way has a limited number of production and exchange times updated once a week.

Upgrading the Fury Carrier:

The higher the level of the Carrier you want to produce, the greater the items.

The Fury Carrier you produce will not be carrying any troops. You must train the required Fury Troops on it to get the bonus attributes.

Only the Fury Troops can be trained and carried on the Fury Carrier.

There is no upper limit for producing Fury Carriers. You can produce as many if you meet the production requirements.

The maximum level you can upgrade Fury Carriers to is Five.

There are Specific Requirements for upgrading the Fury Carrier.

The Carrier level affects the number and attributes of the Troops it carries.

Each Carrier has a specific Fury Troops capacity depending on its level. The higher the level of the Carrier, the greater the capacity. Here are some examples of the maximum capacity of Fury Troops for each Carrier's level:

Carrier level 1: 2,000.000 Troops maximum.

Carrier level 2: 2,800.000 Troops maximum.

Carrier level 3: 3,100.000 Troops maximum.

Carrier level 4: 3,400.000 Troops maximum.

Carrier level 5: 3,800.000 Troops maximum.

The Fury Troops' bonus attributes depend on the Fury Carrier's level. The higher the level of the Carrier, the greater the attributes. Here are some examples of the bonus attributes for each level of the Carriers:

Carrier level 1: Increases the Attack Power of the Fury Troops by 100%.

Carrier level 2: Increases the Attack Power of the Fury Troops by 200%.

Carrier level 3: Increases the Attack Power of the Fury Troops by 300%.

Carrier level 4: Increases the Attack Power of the Fury Troops by 400%.

Carrier level 5: Increases the Attack Power of the Fury Troops by 500%.

What are Fury Troops, and how can I train them?

Fury Troops are Land or Air Units you can get by training them in the Fury Carrier. You can use them to attack and defend your base.

Training Fury Troops requires Resources, Gold, and Additional Items, not to mention the required Time for training.

You can use Gold to complete the training instantly or the Speedups to reduce the time.

You can choose only one type of Land/Air Troop to train them on the Carrier.

Once you start the training process, it cannot be canceled.

After the training process is completed, the Troops will be carried on the Carrier automatically, and you can use them to Attack or Defend your base.

There is an upper limit to the number of troops you can train on the carrier, which is determined by the capacity of the carrier itself, and you cannot exceed the maximum number.

The Fury Troops carried on the Carrier, whether Wounded or Survived, the battle will be counted in the Carrier's capacity.

The Fury Carriers, where the units are trained, can participate in the battle.

The Fury Carriers, in which the units are trained, can be upgraded.

You cannot convert the Troops type on the Carrier while it is training Troops.

Convert the Fury Troops type carried on the Fury Carrier:

You can Convert the Troops’ type on the Carrier by using Gold, and there will be a duration of Converting, taking into consideration the following:

The more Fury Troops carried on the Carrier, the higher the Gold needed for Converting.

You can complete the Conversion process instantly using Gold.

After converting the troops’ type on the carrier, the wounded Fury Troops will automatically be converted to the new Chosen type.

You cannot Convert the Troops’ type on the Carrier taking part in the Battle until it is over.

You cannot convert the Troops type on the Carrier to Training Troops until the training is completed.

You cannot convert the Troops type on the Healing Troops Carrier until the process is completed.

The Carriers that are Converting their Troops type cannot participate in the battle until the process is Completed.

Healing the Carriers and the Fury Troops:

The healing process of the Fury Troops takes place in the Fury Carrier.

The healing process requires Resources and Time.

You can use the Speedups to reduce the Healing time or use Gold to complete the process instantly.

Once the Healing Process is started, it cannot be canceled.

Each Fury Carrier has only one Healing queue.

The Carrier in which the Troops are being healed can take part in the battle, and the Troops that are taking part in the battle are only the surviving ones.

The Carrier in which the Troops are being healed can be upgraded.

You cannot convert the Troops type in the Carrier during the healing process.

The total number of Wounded Troops in the Carriers cannot exceed the maximum capacity of the Service Center. And you will lose the Troops’ number exceeding the limit once the Carrier returns to the base.

Important Note: We recommend you upgrade the Service Center capacity to accommodate more Troops to avoid losing them.

Sending Fury Carriers outside the Base to take part in battles:

You cannot send the Fury Carrier to battle without carrying Fury Troops.

You must choose the carrier according to the type of units you want to send to the battle, as each carrier can only carry one type of Troop.

The Carrier will enter the battle with all the Troops that are carried on it. Still, you must select the Troops type you want them to participate in (only the selected Troops will participate in the battle while the others will not participate or be affected either in the Attack or the Defense).

The wounded Fury Troops will not participate in the battle.

The Fury Troops being Trained will not participate in the battle.

There is a maximum limit of Fury Carriers level 1 that you can send in one queue, which is Five.

There is no limit for level 2 Fury Carriers and higher that you can send in one queue if the Fury Troops do not exceed the maximum of the Troop Deployment Limit.

Units 6 to 13 will be counted from the Troop Deployment Limit in one queue along with the Fury Troops.

The Troop Deployment Limit item will affect the Fury Troops only, not the Carriers.

The Fury Carriers can participate in any battle (Rebel Siege, Rally, Reinforce, Border Wars, etc.)

The Fury Carriers can take part in the Rallies. However, their formidable power will not prevent them from losing the battle.

During the Rally, you can send your Fury Carrier with its Troops to take part in the Rally, but you cannot send the Fury Troops without the Carrier.

The effect of the update on Commanders reached Celestial levels, specifically those who own Spaceships:

The spaceships exchange function will be closed on July 6, 2023, but the Spaceships and all related functions can still be used normally for now.

On July 20, 2023, Interstellar Haven will be replaced with the Hawk Center. Any upgrades made on the Interstellar Haven will be implemented on the Hawk Center.

On July 20, 2023, the Legendary Interstellar Merchant will end his journey, and the icons of the “Spaceship Advancement” and the “Space Institute” will be merged into the Hawk Center.

On July 20, 2023, the Spaceships that you already had will be Replaced with Fury Carriers carrying the new Fury Troops. And their power will be the same as the Spaceships you already had. Any enhancements you made to those Spaceships and any attributes you obtained through Research, Generals, Decorations, Base Protections, and so on will take place on the Attributes related to the Carriers and Fury Troops.

Once the update is launched, "Free Exchange Week" will be available for the Commanders with Command Center Celestial levels and those who own Spaceships from the day they sign in to their Base. This will allow them to Convert the Fury Troops accordingly as needed. The Carriers will carry Fury Troops according to the type of Spaceships owned by the player previously. Note that you will only have one week to Convert the Troops to the type that suits you.

The mechanism of Replacing Spaceships with Fury Carriers is as follows:

Previously owned Galactic, Stardust, and Sanctuary Spaceships level 1 will automatically be replaced with Fury Carriers level 2.

Previously owned Galactic, Stardust, and Sanctuary Spaceships level 2 will automatically be replaced with Fury Carriers level 3.

Previously owned Galactic, Stardust, and Sanctuary Spaceships level 3 will automatically be replaced with Fury Carriers level 4.

Previously owned Galactic, Stardust, and Sanctuary Spaceships level 4 will automatically be replaced with Fury Carriers level 5.

Converting Fury Troops on the Fury Carriers mechanism according to the Spaceships type is as follows:

You will get Assault Tech Fury Troops after Replacing the Galactic Spaceship.

You will get Tanks Fury Troops after Replacing the Stardust Spaceship.

You will get Aircraft Fury Troops after Replacing the Sanctuary Spaceship.

Replacing process:

After replacing a level 1 Spaceship with 100% HP, you will get 2,000.000 Fury troops.

After replacing a level 1 Spaceship with 100% HP, you will get 2,800.000 Fury troops.

After replacing a level 2 Spaceship with 100% HP, you will get 3,100.000 Fury troops.

After replacing a level 3 Spaceship with 100% HP, you will get 3,400.000 Fury troops.

After replacing a level 4 Spaceship with 100% HP, you will get 3,800.000 Fury troops.

The number of Fury Troops you will get will be according to the remaining HP of the Spaceships you had before the update using a particular equation, as follows:

If the HP of the Spaceships is 100%, the player will receive 100% Fury Troops according to the Spaceship level and type (replacing process).

If the HP of the Spaceships level 1 is 100%, the player will receive a Fury Carrier level 2 carrying Fury Troops equal to 2,800.000 Troops without any loss.

If the HP of the Spaceships level 1 is 70%, the player will receive a Fury Carrier level 2 carrying Fury Troops equal to 1,960.000 Troops, and here the player will face a 30% loss in the converted Troops.

If the HP of the Spaceships level 4 is 55%, the player will receive a Fury Carrier level 5 carrying Fury Troops equal to 2,090.000 type Aircraft Fury Troops, and here the player will face a 45% loss in the converted Troops.

Important note: To ensure you get the highest number of Fury Troops, we advise you to increase the HP of your Spaceships to 100%.