1. The system matches two servers in the "Server Duel" event, and the winning server receives many rewards.

2. The event is divided into five stages: Preparation, development, and collection; Transport of resources across borders; Attack/Defense; and Rest.

3. In the preparation stage, the current Consuls on both sides will be appointed as the battlefield commanders for each server and carry out the “Server Duel” event. Their term will be extended for the duration of the event. If no counsel is appointed, certain functions like Battlefield order and tribute distribution will not be available for that server during the event.

4. both sides compete to increase strength by developing their bases in the Gathering Strength stage. Personal and Server points are obtained from upgrading buildings, collecting resources, eliminating bosses in the world map, researching technology, and other activities. Winning the point race in this stage will give an advantage in the next.

5. In the War Finance stage, the borders of both servers are open. The servers are divided into attacker and defender. The attacker sends resources to the World Domination buildings of the defender. The attacker earns many points when the transported resources requirement reaches 100%. The defender can intercept the attacker's transportation troops to reduce the resources meter. The servers will switch attack/defend positions when the first battle ends and start the next battle. Occupying the opposing World Domination buildings will yield many points and give an advantage in the next stage. Battles during the transport/intercept stage will not kill your troops but are instead converted to injured units. The injured troops will enter your service center. If the capacity is exceeded, you will find those troops in the battlefield service center on the map.

6. In the Offensive War and Defensive War stages, commanders on the attacking server can teleport to the defending server territory and attack any target. Personal points and Server points can be collected from defeating enemy forces, occupying Nuclear Silo and World Domination buildings. When the battle ends, servers switch Attack/Defend positions, and the subsequent battle occurs. All player vs. player battles in the defending server will not kill your troops and instead convert them to injured units; if your service center capacity is exceeded, you will find those troops in the battlefield service center.

7. When all stages are completed, the event will enter the Resting stage, and the Server Dual result will be calculated. Two essential conditions determine the Server Dual outcome:

A) If a server successfully occupies the enemy's "Nuclear Silo" BUT defends its own "Nuclear Silo" against enemy occupation, it will be declared the Winner, and the enemy server will have to pay tribute until the resting stage is over. The tributary server will also suffer an adverse effect during the resting stage.

B) If both servers, "Nuclear Silos," are occupied or successfully defended, then the server with the highest server points will be declared the winner and receive the Server Dual rewards. However, the winner will not receive tribute from the defeated server.

8. Battlefield service center: located near the nuclear Silo on the world map, this service center has an unlimited unit capacity and unified repair bonus for all commanders.